Holidays, Treats & Celebrations - FAQ
Do you celebrate holidays or have class parties at Sojourner?
It is always our intention to ensure that every student can fully participate in all activities at our school. As a result, we do not celebrate specific holidays. Instead we celebrate student growth and learning in varying and inclusive ways throughout the school year.
Can I send in treats for my child’s birthday?
Due to dietary restrictions and allergies, we cannot have treats brought into the classroom.
Can my child bring Valentine’s Day cards for the class?
We do not celebrate holidays, therefore please do not have your child bring in Valentine’s Day cards. If your child has special friends with whom he/she would like to exchange cards or gifts, you must do that outside of the school day.
Can I send home party invites in school folders?
School folders are reserved for the transportation of school papers only, so please send invitations to classmates through mail or email rather than school.
How do I locate a particular family’s contact information?
School staff is currently working with the Sojourner PTA to provide a voluntary database for all interested families. Until this is finalized, we suggest giving your child the responsibility of asking friends directly for contact information.