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Sojourner Elementary Multiple Intelligences

Sojourner Elementary Multiple Intelligences

Sojourner School is founded on the Multiple Intelligences theory of Dr. Howard Gardner, which identifies eight human intelligences, says that elementary schools should address 8 human intelligences to help children achieve their highest potential.

Photo of girl with different interests around

"It's not how smart you are that matters, what really counts is how you are smart."
~ Howard Gardner

Howard Gardner's Eight Intelligences are:

  • Interpersonal

  • Intrapersonal

  • Visual/Spatial

  • Musical

  • Bodily/Kinesthetic

  • Mathematical/Logical

  • Verbal/Linguistic

  • Naturalistic

These Intelligences can be described as follows:

Linguistic intelligence: refers to an individual's capacity to use language effectively as a means of expression and communication through the written or spoken word (Examples: poets, writers, orators, and comedians).

Logical/Mathematical intelligence: refers to an individual's ability to recognize relationships and patterns between concepts and things, to think logically, to calculate numbers, and to solve problems scientifically and systematically. (Examples: mathematicians, economists, lawyers and scientists).

Visual/Spatial intelligence: refers to the capability to think in images and orient oneself spatially. In addition, spatially intelligent people are able to graphically represent their visual and spatial ideas (Examples: artists, decorators, architects, pilots, sailors, surveyors, inventors, and guides).

Musical intelligence: refers to the capacity to appreciate a variety of musical forms as well as being able to use music as a vehicle of expression. Musically intelligent people are perceptive to elements of rhythm, melody, and pitch (Examples: singers, musicians, and composers).

Bodily/Kinesthetic intelligence: refers to the capacity of using one's own body skillfully as a means of expression or to work with one's body to create or manipulate objects (Examples: dancers, actors, athletes, sculptors, surgeons, mechanics, and craftspeople).

Interpersonal (Social) intelligence: refers to the capacity to appropriately and effectively communicate with and respond to other people. The ability to work cooperatively with others and understand their feelings (Examples: sales people, politicians, religious leaders, talk show hosts, etc).

Intrapersonal intelligence: refers to the capacity to accurately know one's self, including knowledge of one's own strengths, motivations, goals, and feelings. To be capable of self-reflection and to be introverted and contemplative are also traits held by persons with Intrapersonal intelligence. (Examples: entrepreneurs, therapists, philosophers, etc).

Naturalistic intelligence: refers to the ability to identify and classify the components that make up our environment. This intelligence would have been especially apt during the evolution of the human race in individuals who served as hunters, gatherers, and farmers. (Examples: botanists, farmers, etc. Some famous examples include: Charles Darwin, E.O. Wilson).

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